The increasing use of electronic parts wholesale suppliers in the system also makes it a common occurrence of similar failures in operation. Based on years of operating experience, our electronic parts wholesale suppliers introduce several common faults and handling methods below.

Surface discharge

electronic parts wholesale suppliers After a period of operation under outdoor atmospheric conditions, there will be dirt deposits on its surface. In foggy or rainy days, the surface dirt layer will be damp, resulting in an increase in surface leakage current and heat. Due to the different evaporation rates of water, there are dry areas on the surface, resulting in local surface resistance changes, and the current forms a local arc at the break. With the extension of time, the arc merges to form a surface dendritic discharge. Interturn short circuit is the further development of dendritic discharge, that is, the sharp increase of interturn short circuit current and the rise of temperature destroy the interturn insulation.

In order to avoid dendritic discharge and turn short circuit failure of outdoor electronic parts wholesale suppliers, hydrophobic coating can greatly reduce surface discharge. The end is embedded with a ring current sharing electrode to overcome the concentration of leakage current on the lower end surface; Wearing rainproof cap and additional rainproof layer can slow down surface leakage current to a certain extent. In addition, in heavily polluted areas, the frequency of cleaning surfaces of electronic parts wholesale suppliers and insulator surfaces should be increased.

Local hyperthermia

electronic parts wholesale suppliers When running, the temperature is too high, will accelerate the aging of polyester film. When rainwater seeps into epoxy cracks in the lead-in line or transverse surface, it will lose mechanical strength, causing a short circuit between turns, and leading to ignition and combustion.

The reasons for the temperature increase of electronic parts wholesale suppliers are: welding quality problems, additional resistance generated by welding resistance between terminals and windings, and heating. In addition, due to the small design temperature rise margin, the design value is very close to the temperature rise limit specified by the national standard. In addition to the design and manufacturing reasons, during the operation, if the air channel of electronic parts wholesale suppliers is blocked by foreign bodies, resulting in poor heat dissipation, it will also cause local high temperature and fire.

For the above cases, the ventilation conditions of electronic parts wholesale suppliers should be improved to reduce the operating environment temperature of electronic parts wholesale suppliers, thus limiting the temperature rise. At the same time, it should be stopped regularly for maintenance (the surface of electronic parts wholesale suppliers and the vertical heat dissipation airway can be washed with water column), remove the surface ash, and keep the airway smooth. Check the external insulation status in detail and deal with any problems in time.

Vibration and noise faults

In operation, the vibration of electronic parts wholesale suppliers of the iron core increases, resulting in the loosening of fasteners and the increase of noise. The main causes of vibration are magnetic circuit failures, uncompressed iron cores, or jigs loosening during manufacturing and installation. Usually, just tighten the fastener again. Sometimes, after the hollow electronic parts wholesale suppliers are put into operation, the AC noise (base frequency of 100Hz) is very large, accompanied by rhythmic flapping and base heating. This is because the strong alternating magnetic flux of the hollow electronic parts wholesale suppliers will generate resonance and eddy currents caused by alternating electromagnetic force, and heat the surrounding steel parts, especially the embedded part of the foundation. This is a fundamental problem in the design and installation of infrastructure, which can only be closed by a complete retrofit. Then the above will sleep all the content brought by electronic parts wholesale suppliers manufacturers for you, I hope you can serve as an important reference basis!

electronic parts wholesale suppliers